Drama much? What a bunch of myopic drivel.

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Well said. (FWIW, I was a long-time member of the staff of the SEC's Division of Investment Management.)

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Ouch. Real. Thanks Dave.

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Powerful. This really made me think.

Instead of white/black I wonder if we shouldn't think more in terms of fox and hedgehog (my ref here is On Grand Strategy - Gaddis)

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Brilliant analogy and the concepts apply so well to what is happening politically, and to the financial service industry - also health care. Yes, ETFs used to be White Hat- even the leveraged and inverse variety as you showed with your ad comparison. Derivatives always have been plagued by bad player damage (and I have the war wounds to show for it.), but ETFs were clean. Not so much anymore and this makes our job as strategists and educators harder and more necessary. I call it the Wild West - which comes with those black and white cowboy hats. “Who shot the sheriff?”

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